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This non-for-profit Organization was founded in 2003 with the main purpose of training people in the fields of Video Production and Internet Technology. This Corporation is organized exclusively for charitable EDUCATIONAL purposes and is under the Section 501(c)(3).

Eny Hanson
Edilton Santos
Eliezer Rosa

Born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Graduating, (with honors) winning her Bachelors Degree in Social Communication – Major in Journalism, from Helio Alonso University, located in Rio de Janeiro – Brazil. Worked as a News Editor for Radio Tupy FM and as a Reporter for Tribuna da Imprensa Newspaper, where she started as an intern and was hired, even before her graduation.Despite professional success in her homeland she moved to America, in 1988, where as an immigrant she took many different jobs. But her dreams of succeed in America pushed her forward and in 1990 she started working in her professional field:
She served as a Listening Editor and Coordinator Events Calendar, for the West Side Story Newspaper.In 1995 Eny received her certificate in Broadcasting, TV & Radio News from New York University.Since 1996 she has been the host and Produce of “Exotica New York”, a biweekly television show featuring the latest and Entertainment information on the New York Brazilian scene.In addiction of the Field Coordinator position that she holds, since 2001, at Manhattan Neighborhood Network, she also is a play writer and an actress, acting for shorts films and performing on her own show.

Edilton Santos grew up in Recife, Brazil where received his Bachelors Degree in Social Communication – Major in Public Relations from Federal University of Pernambuco. 
He moved to America, in 1999, where he writes a weekly social page for “The Brazilian Press” newspaper based in Newark and for his personal web page. He also is involved in the show business managing and selling shows for Brazilian artists. In addition Mr. Santos produces commercials for Globo TV International. 
Besides assisting with productions, he will also act as Brazedc’s Public Relations Spokesperson, maintain Brazedc’s records and handle all of its correspondence.


Entrepreneur and TV show host in Brazil, Eliezer Rosa lives the two years between New York and São Paulo acting in film and television market. With great experience in theater and television productions, he recently became a member of the organization Brazedc Educational Center.



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