Project developed by Brazedc
This documentary has the purpose of showing the changes, over the years within Harlem community. The good and bad of these changes are evident on the streets. Like most neighbor- hoods in New York, the demographics of Harlem's communities have changed rapidly throughout the history of the city.
Harlem is a large neighborhood within the northern section of Manhattan but it seems that there are no more space for small business and low-income residents.
Basically, all of them are out of the streets of Harlem. Fortunately the music spirit is still pretty much alive and healthy!
On March 27/15, it was presented the Mayor’s Fiscal year 2016 Preliminary Budget, at City Hall. The Legal Aid Society had a chance of give its testimony. Since Legal services NYC fights poverty and seeks justice for low-income New Yorkers, Brazedc Corporation felt that it was a great opportunity to be part of the event. Our education rights project represents hundreds of NYC underprivileged teenagers.
Project Title: “Youth In Action”
Project Financial Requirement: $100,000.00
Prepared by: Eny Hanson (CEO founder)
Project Summary: A dynamic initiative focusing on
advancing creativity through media
arts among low-income youth in New York.
Project Summary:
Youth In Action Project (Youth Media Impacting Community) is a dynamic initiative focused on providing education in the media arts to low-income youth in New York City.
Developed by Eny Hanson, Founder/CEO of Brazedc, “Youth In Action Project” is dedicated to defending the rights of low-income and immigrant youth to decent living standards and to encourage confidence in their power to shape their own lives.
Advanced training in the art of media production will be provided to youth from low-income and marginalized families, between the ages of 14 to 21 years old.
Students will be taught to utilize media to heighten the visibility of arts and culture. Building their leadership skills to identify common issues and solutions that will increase their civic knowledge, also encourage participation in community organizing. The program will run for a period of six months, containing a maximum of ten (10) students per class. The project will provide an introduction to the professional skills necessary for careers in video and media production, followed by hands on training in video production and video editing. The students will collaborate on, plan and choose a documentary subject. They will produce and edit a completed documentary on the subject they have chosen.
Hands on equipment training for video will consist of (12) twelve one hour class three (3) classes per week. For editing, students will attend (24) twenty-four one-hour class, three classes per week. Finally they will have three months to work on a documentary and workshops.
The cost of this Project will be $100,000.00. Our youth participants will collaborate with experienced media artists-in-residence and established arts and cultural centers throughout the Boroughs of New York City, to explore practical and theoretical questions of the arts and electronic media. Youth In Action program participates on media making and creativity (camera, editing, media literacy).
Our purpose is to reach out to lower income youth, struggling to build a gratifying and successful future. Students will learn to express their wants and concerns, examine the root causes of social problems, plan and act together to build leadership and gain self-confidence.
Our overriding mission objective is to bridge the technological gap and give low-income youth an opportunity to compete in the current competitive economic climate.